Photographing exotic, classic, or otherwise interesting cars in their natural environment, that is, on the street.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A Supercar is the ultimate expression of what a car builder is capable of. They are prestigious show pieces, but also serve as a test bed for the latest technology. In some cases, they are limited production 'Halo' cars, meant to remind you why you love the brand in the first place. Other times they are special editions meant for track days. Others are simply expressions of automotive art & technical design without cost considerations; 'What if?' cars. Some people (think: Prius owners) believe they amount to automotive pornography. If there were such a comparison, this much is true. You'll know it when you see it.
Carspotting is the act of photographing exotic, classic and otherwise interesting cars in their natural environment. I bring these to you for your enjoyment.
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