Photographing exotic, classic, or otherwise interesting cars in their natural environment, that is, on the street.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Rolls Royce
The first Rolls-Royce came to being in 1904. They epitomize the concept of an automobile that is built to a standard, not a price. Today's Rollers combine old world craftsmanship with the most modern technology available to produce the ultimate luxury cars. It's difficult to show how impressive these cars are when they pass you on the street. For starters, from my Honda S2K, they pretty much blot out the sun. They're BIG! They are also swift, silent, and smooth to an unbelievable degree. They grow their own trees. The wood on the left door panel is one cut deeper than the right, so that the wood grain matches perfectly. They raise their own cattle on barb-wire free ranches to provide perfect, scar-free leather. A fairly common sight here in Las Olas is the older Roller as daily driver. They are crafted to a fair-thee-well, drive like a dream and the owner's drive them for ten years and sell them for what they paid for them. Now THAT'S luxury. Featured today are the Phantom, some shots from the Ghost introduction at some guy named Trump's place and an older Corniche Drophead Coupe.
Carspotting is the act of photographing exotic, classic and otherwise interesting cars in their natural environment. I bring these to you for your enjoyment.
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